• Pershing Road, Edmondson Park
  • +61 02 8750 4191
  • Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 6:00


  1. What is 1Day Hire?
    → 1dayhire is the transportation service that helps you to book the Car for a day trip on hourly basis or poin-to-point basis with driver. Oneday hire has been helping people reach their destination for over a year now. We have been fortunate enough to reach a number of hearts in such a short time.
  2. How to book from 1Dayhire?
    → please follow the link www.onedayhire.com.au/#car-booking to make bookings.
  3. Do I need to sign up for Bookings?
    → Yes, you have to sign up to make bookings. But you can automatically create account while checkout.
  4. What information do I need to book the vehicle?
    →You should know your pick up -drop off location, date, time and numbers of people or you can explore our services like champagne, body guard, a bouquet of flowers etc. while you book a ride with us.
  5. Can I check the rates of the trip before I book the vehicle?
    →Yes, you can check the rates of the trip without making reservations online from www.onedayhire.com.au/#car-booking
  6. Is Onedayhire Legal?
    → Yes, Onedayhire is 100% legal in Australia.
  7. Is 1dayhire safe for bookings?
    → Yes, onedayhire is absolutely safe for bookings, as we use latest technologies and softwares to keep all your data safe.
  8. Can I book a car from Onedayhire at night time?
    → No, you can’t book the car at night time as 1dayhire only operates from 6:00AM – 11:00PM.
  9. How many people can book from 1dayhire?
    →You can book for as many people as you can from 1dayhire. Currently we have 5 seater 7 seater and 12 seater vehicles only but you can request as per your requirement. We will try to help you as much as possible.
  10. Does Onedayhire will pick up from my home address?
    → Yes, Onedayhire has pick up service anywhere around Sydney. You just need to add full pickup address in the booking form.
  11. Is Onedayhire is cheap?
    → Onedayhire is the cheapest car booking with driver comparison to other ridesharing & rental company.
  12. How do I make a payment while booking?
    →You can make a payment through the safe payment method through PayPal stripe/by Cards. No cash/cheque/money order is accepted.
  13. Do I get refund if I cancel the bookings?
    → Yes, you will get full refund but terms and conditions apply.
  14. Can I book a car on the spot?
    → No, you can’t book the car on the spot; At least you need to make a bookings week before.
  15. Can I rent a car from 1dayhire?
    → Yes, This is the additonal service provided by 1dayhire, you can hire a car by following this link https://onedayhire.com.au/rental
  16. Does 1Dayhire provide service Australia wide?
    → No, 1Dayhire is currently based on Sydney only but we will soon expand our service in near future.
  17. Can I book a car and go for overnight trip?
    → Yes, you can book a car and go for overnight trip but terms and conditions apply.